Yngve Stoor was born 1912 i Dalarna and died 1985. During the 50ties he often performed together with the finish vocal group Harmony Sisters. He had a music shop in central Stockholm towards the end of his life and there people could also buy his own records. There are two LP-compilations with Christmas Music, the first one you can se a picture of, the cover of the second look exactly the same apart from a green background instead of a blue. Yngve Stoor often used his own record label LANI, e g for his two Christmas Records.
Some music examples:
Jul i Norden (Christmas in the Nordic Countries)
Jul på Julön (Christmas on the Christmas Island)
Godjulvisa på Hawaii (Merry Christmas Song in Hawaii, this is a Swedish version of a song that originally was performed by Bing Crosby)
Sjömansjul på Hawaii (Seamens Christmas in Hawaii)
Julens klockor (Christmas Bells)
Fridfull jul (Peaceful Christmas)
Tre små ljus (Three Small Candles)
Another option is to download all the songs in one zip-file.
Is this the 1956 version of "Sjömansjul på Hawaii"? (It sounds a bit different from the one I got)
There are many different versions, he recorded it a couple of times as this is his most popular song. I am not sure about what year this was recorded. I could have been earlier, I have one version from the late fifties and it's not with a full orchestra, on a lower budget I suppose.
Is there any chance of getting the .zip of all the files re-upped for 2009? This is rapidly becoming one of my favorite Christmas blogs, and these posts from the past are so tantalizing!
Snoddas' "God jul, ni svenska sjömän" would be appreciated, as well.
Happy holidays for South Dakota, USA.
I just discovered this blog, and this Yngve Stoor post is great! My family is from Denmark, and my husband and I go to visit friends in Hawaii, so this is the perfect intersection.
I hope it's possible to repost this at some point. I'll keep reading your blog -- it's wonderful!
Glaedelig jul!
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