I don't think we will have a White Christmas this year, but there is always a possibility of celebrating with the classical version of White Christmas with Bing Crosby together with Marjorie Reynolds from the movie "Holiday Inn" 1942.
The second videoclip is from the finale of the movie "White Christmas" 1954. I was lucky to just get it almost for free on DVD.
I will also share a couple of Swedish versions of the song. Last time I did it was 2006 but these are slightly different. Hope you enjoy it:
* "Jag drömmer om en jul hemma" (I'm dreaming of a Christmas at home") - Bertil Boo, "the singing farmer" known in Sweden from the films with Åsa Nisse. I think this is from the end of the 40ies or possibly beginning of the 50ties.
* "Jag drömmer om en jul hemma" - Bengt Westin, should be about the same time as Bertil Boo but I don't know anything about the singer.
* "Jag drömmer om en jul hemma" - Lasse Lönndahl, wellknown singer in Sweden, this recording is from the 60ties.
* "White Christmas" - Hep Stars, popband from the 60ties. Benny Andersson, the organist, later was known as one ot the members of ABBA.
* "White Christmas" - another popversion with Lena Maria and Sweet Wine from the 70ties.
* "White Christmas" - Vikingarna (The Wikings), thypical Swedish dancemusic, I think this recording might be from the 70ties.
* "White Christmas" - Vit Aggression (White Aggression). The last one is probably the most disgusting version there will ever be. This is a White Power-band and they put a racist message into the song. Remember I warned you: This is certainly not very nice.
Varför länkar du till en massa nazistband hela tiden? Är du nazze själv eller har du ingen koll? Vit aággretion, Ultima Thule, Johnny Bode... Halllå?
Det råkar ju vara så att jag skrivit mycket om nazism och även vit makt-musik så jag har kommit över en del väldigt udda musik som en ren bieffekt av detta. Jag funderar förstås över om det är vettigt att dela med sig av det, men det här är ju mest fjant. Det finns annat mer politiskt som jag inte delar ut på det här sättet.
Johnny Bode var någon slags nazist under någon period av sitt liv, men var mest av allt en förvirrad och själ. Det är inte han som ligger bakom Bordellmammas julvisor, som jag också skrivit tidigare på bloggen.
here is a free legal holiday album 11 bands from all over world http://www.xopublicity.com/xofortheholidays2.html great holiday music! Its my link so please do share with anyone!
album is called "xo for the holidays" volume II
Wonderful! The Christmas season for 2009 has officially begun!Here's a link to a bunch of good
christmas classical music
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mycket intiresno, tack
varfor inte:)
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