Yngve Stoor was a Swedish singer performning music in Hawaiian style. His most famous song is "Sjömansjul på Hawaii"(Christmas for Seemen in Hawaii), a very sentimental and extremely popoular Christmas song in my country, also performed by many other artists. It is all about longing for going home (a common theme in Christmas music).
He also translated american songs into Swedish. This is his version of a song that was made popoular by Bing Crosbys: "God julvisa på Hawaii".
Varför har Santa en blöja på sig?
Ja det har jag också undrat över.
Julskiva nr 2 av Yngve Stoor har exakt samma omslag fast i en sjuk grön nyans.
Samma blöja!
I wish I knew what some of these covers said, but I don't speak the language. But I am digging them anyway. They all look cool, and I can't wait to get some of the tunes and give them a listen. Thanks a million for sharing!
Well, hope you enjoy the music as well. Unfortunatly my scanner is to small for LP Covers, there might be ways of doing it but I haven´t figured it out yet. If you want to join our earlier discussion: they were wondering why Santa is wearing a nappy. I wish I knew.
Kul sida. Hoppas du "postar" något mer. Vad gäller LP-covers så kan du ju experimentera med att fotografera om du har digitalkamera (det är nog så de flesta gör). Det kan bli bra om du får in snitsen med ljussättning (blixt är nog inget vidare). Själv har jag ibland sammanfogat två inscanningar i Photoshop men det är tidskrävande om det ska bli bra. Hoppas Luciadagen varit bra. Hej så länge.
I think many Swedes consider "Sjömansjul på Hawaii" to be the ultimate Christmas song. But as you say, you don´t often find the original recording (only covers).
I made my first mp3 from a 78´s (poor quality). But later I also found in on "God Jul vol 1", one of two volumes from Ancha (ANC-0103-2) with Swedish Christmas music from 1930-1950. Try www.ancha.se (unfortunatly only vol 2 seems to be available, but I´ts always worth asking - both belongs to my favourite Christmas Records).
Sorry - I misunderstood the question.
You only find
"Jul med Yngve Stoor", vol 1 and 2 on vinyl, LP, and they are extremely difficult to get hold of. And expensive.
Somebody should release them on CD.
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